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Caboose moves to Truckee

It has been many years since cabooses have been used on the railroads. They have been replaced by computers, CTC, and FRED (Flashing Rear End Device). A caboose still holds a nostalgic spot in people's heart.

On Wednesday, May 21st, 2008, this former Southern Pacific caboose was moved to the current TRDS Museum site. This caboose will house the Headquarters and Gift Shop for the Truckee Donner Railroad Society Museum. Thanks to Dobbas for providing the truck, and LSI for providing the crane.

Below - Caboose at the old location:

Caboose old location

Caboose end shot

Below - The caboose was lifted by a crane and put on a lowboy flatbed truck. The truck was driven to the new location, and the crane followed. The crane then lifted the caboose off the truck, and placed it in its new home. The whole effort took several hours.

Crane to move caboose

Caboose and crane


Crane lifting caboose

Caboose on truck

Caboose's new home
See the story of the caboose in its new home.



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Complimentary hosting is provided by Lake Tahoe On Line
