Keeping Truckee Railroads Alive!
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Truckee Railroad Museum Grand Opening - May 8, 2010

Culminating 2 years and 3000 hours of labor, the Truckee Railroad Museum Grand Opening was May 8, 2010. With festivities, speakers, and the Truckee High School Jazz Band, a great time was had by all. See some of the action:

The Train comes

Train comes

The band is ready

the band is ready

The people are ready

the crowd is ready

The exhibits are ready

the exhibits are ready

Bob kicks off the activity

Bob kisks it off

Nelson tells about the area railroads

Nelson talks about area railroads

Mayor Carolyn Dee gives the proclamation

Mayor Carolyn Dee gives the proclamation

The crowds come

the crowds come

And want to stay..........

and want to stay

Museum Progress
Check out the progress of the museum.



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Copyright© 2008 - 2011 - Truckee Donner Railroad Society - a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization

Complimentary hosting is provided by Lake Tahoe On Line
