Keeping Truckee Railroads Alive!
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California Museum Tour

As part of the development of the Truckee Railroad Museum, the development team has been visiting other museums to gain as much insight into museum design as possible. The following set of pictures is annotated with comments relative to museum design. Use the << Previous / Next >> keys above to step through the pictures. Also be sure and scroll down as there are multiple pictures per page.

Sacramento's rail transit system, Light Rail, stops in front of the California Museum.
Light Rail arriving at California Museum

Museum Progress
Check out the progress of the museum.

Visit the Califonia Museum Website
See the website for the California Museum.


Visit us at
Sierra Nevada Geotourism



Copyright© 2008 - 2011 - Truckee Donner Railroad Society - a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization

Complimentary hosting is provided by Lake Tahoe On Line
