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Donner Summit Historical Society

Donner Summit is a unique location and environment. Its anthropological and cultural importance is well known. Native Americans left their mark in the form of grinding stones and petroglyphs. The first trans-Sierra wagon train crossed into California via Donner Summit in 1844. The infamous Donner Party came two years later. For years Donner Summit was a major crossing point for emigrants leaving the United States for California. Also, the first transcontinental railroad, highway, and telegraph lines all crossed the Sierra Nevada at Donner Summit.
The specific purpose of this corporation is to offer lectures, seminars, and field trips that will help the community learn the history of Donner Summit and surrounding area, and to collect and display artifacts relative to the history, and to carry on other educational and charitable activities with this purpose. Our ultimate goal is to build a museum to house the collected artifacts and pictures.

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Sierra Nevada Geotourism



Copyright© 2008 - 2011 - Truckee Donner Railroad Society - a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization

Complimentary hosting is provided by Lake Tahoe On Line
