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Moving the Brownhoist crane

May 2nd, 2008 TDRS moved the newly aquired Brownhoist crane from the California State Railroad Museum to Truckee. It joins the 1605 GE 80 ton switch engine at the developing museum.In the process of switching the crane to get it on the proper track for loading onto the trailer, the crane "picked a switch" and deraild. No harm to person or property, and a gigantic fork lift had it back on track in no time. When loaded on the low boy trailer, the crane was about 6 inches too high to clear the overpasses going up Interstate 80. The alternatives were to cut off the roof of the crane, or travel up circuitous highway 88 adding a day to the trip. The decision was to remove the roof, and reattach it in Truckee. See some of the action below.

Below - Despite all the care taken, the crane car derailed while passing through a switch. A giant forklift saves the day.

crane derails

closeup of derailment

forklift rerailing crane

Below - Crane loaded on the truck.

manually lowering crane boom

crane loaded on truck

Below - The cutting torch is out and working on removing the roof.

cutting roof off of crane with torch

Below - Arriving in Truckee

crane move on truck

Below - Backing in to its home in Truckee.

truck backing in to position to dump the crane


Brownhoist story
See the story of the Brownhoist crane.


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Complimentary hosting is provided by Lake Tahoe On Line
